July 16, 1886 - Witnesses for the State
- Index to Witnesses, page i-1
- Felix V. Bushick (first appearance), Architect, pages 2-18
- John Bonfield (first appearance), Inspector of Police, Chicago Police Department, pages 19-52
- Godfried Waller (first appearance), Cabinetmaker, pages 53-75
- Court discussion, pages 75-95
- Godfried Waller (first appearance resumed), pages 96-100
July 17, 1886 - Witnesses for the State
July 19, 1886 - Witnesses for the State
- James P. Stanton, Lieutenant, Chicago Police Department, pages 215-231
- H. F. Krueger, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 231-249
- John Wessler (first appearance), Detective, Chicago Police Department, pages 250-266
- Peter Foley, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 266-274
- Luther V. Moulton, member of the Knights of Labor of Grand Rapids, pages 275-283
- George W. Shook, pages 283-288
- James Bowler (first appearance), Lieutenant, Chicago Police Department, pages 288-295
- Louis C. Baumann (first appearance), Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 296-306
- Edward John Hanley (first appearance), Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 307-309
- James K. Magie, Politician, pages 310-324
- John Wessler (second appearance), page 325
- Thomas Greif, Operator, Greif's Hall, pages 325-335
- John E. Doyle, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 335-341
- Charles Spierling, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 342-345
- James Bonfield (first appearance), Detective, Chicago Police Department, pages 346-380
July 20, 1886 - Witnesses for the State
- Henry E. O. Heinemann (first appearance), reporter, Chicago Tribune, pages 381-387
- J. A. West, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 388-392
- James L. Fraser, lumber yard worker, pages 393-398
- E. T. Baker, lumber yard worker, pages 399-404
- Archibald Leckie, reporter, Chicago Daily News, pages 405-409
- Frank Haraster, President, Lumber Shover's Union, pages 410-414
- John N. Enright, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 415-421
- L. F. Shane, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 422-426
- William Ward, Captain, Chicago Police Department, pages 427-444
- Michael Hahn, Tailor, pages 445-452
- Reuben Slayton, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 453-465
- Theodore Fricke, Superintendent, Arbeiter-Zeitung, pages 466-494
- Edmund Furthmann (first appearance), Assistant State's Attorney, pages 495-499
- Eugene Seeger (first appearance), Translator, pages 500-505
July 21, 1886 - Witnesses for the State
Back to Top
July 22, 1886 - Witnesses for the State
- Cover page and Index to Witnesses, pages i-iii
- Marshall H. Williamson, reporter, Chicago Daily News, pages 1-49
- John D. Shea, Lieutenant, Chicago Police Department, pages 50-73
- Fred L. Buck, Cheltenham Beach employee, pages 74-77
- George W. Hubbard, Lieutenant, Chicago Police Department, pages 78-84
- Henry Weinecke (first appearance), Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 85-90
- William Jones, Detective, Chicago Police Department, pages 91-105
- James Duffy (first appearance), Detective, Chicago Police Department, pages 106-114
- Timothy McKeough (first appearance), Detective, Chicago Police Department, pages 115-117
- Bartholemew Flynn, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 118-126
- John J. Ryan, retired Naval Officer, pages 127-139
- Harry Wilkinson, reporter, Chicago Daily News, pages 140-180
- Felix V. Bushick (third appearance), pages 181-182
July 23, 1886 - Witnesses for the State
- Franz Hein, Saloonkeeper, pages 183-186
- Edward Olson, Professor, University of Chicago, pages 187-189
- Court discussion, pages 189-199
- C. C. Vehmeyer, Laflin Rand Powder Co. employee, page 200
- Eugene Seeger (second appearance), pages 201-202
- Gustav Lehman, Carpenter, pages 203-221
- Clarence P. Dresser, reporter, Chicago Inter-Ocean, pages 222 - 236
- Ernst Niendorf (first appearance), Carpenter, pages 237-238
- Thomas L. Treharn, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 239-255
- Jeremiah Sullivan, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 255-266
- Louis Haas (first appearance), Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 267-271
- Mortiz Neff, Saloon keeper, Neff's Hall, pages 272-285
- William Burgess, Printer, pages 286-289
- George Schuler, Printer, pages 290-292
- Fred P. Rosback, Machinist, pages 293-295
- James Duffy (second appearance), page 296
July 24, 1886 - Witnesses for the State
- George B. Miller, Lieutenant, Chicago Fire Department, pages 297-301
- James G. Miller, Attorney, pages 302-305
- W. M. Knox, reporter, Chicago Daily News, pages 306-347
- John Aschenbrenner, Printer, Arbeiter-Zeitung, pages 348-354
- George Mann, Typesetter, Arbeiter-Zeitung, pages 355-357
- Hermann Podeva, Compositor, Arbeiter-Zeitung, pages 358-364
- Lawrence Hardy, reporter, Chicago Times, pages 365-371
- Johanna Sullivan, pages 372-373
- Hill C. Smythe, reporter, Chicago Tribune, pages 374-383
- R. S. Barnum, ad salesman, Chicago Daily News, pages 384-386
- August Goeke, Printer, Arbeiter-Zeitung, pages 387-388
- Richard Reichel, employee, Arbeiter-Zeitung, pages 389-393
- Andrew C. Johnson (first appearance), Detective, Pinkerton National Detective Agency, pages 394-471
Back to Top
July 26, 1886 - Witnesses for the State
- Cover Page and Index to Witnesses, page i-iii
- Andrew C. Johnson (first appearance resumed), pages 1-34
- William A. Pinkerton, Head and Chief, Pinkerton National Detective Agency, pages 34-36
- William K. Freeman, reporter, Chicago Inter-Ocean, pages 37-67
- Joseph Gruenhut, Factory and Tenement House Inspector, Chicago Health Department, pages 68-99
- F. H. Newman, Physician, pages 99-104
- Maxwell E. Dickson, former newspaper reporter, pages 104-132
- Paul Hull, reporter, Chicago Daily News, pages 132-154
- Introduction of Evidence, pages 154-158
July 27, 1886 - Witnesses for the State
- Whiting Allen (first appearance), reporter, Chicago Times, pages 159-170
- Charles R. Tuttle, reporter, Chicago Times, pages 170-179
- Edward Cosgrove, Detective, Chicago Police Department, pages 179-187
- Timothy McKeough (second appearance), pages 187-212
- Edgar E. Owen, reporter, Chicago Times, pages 213-237
- W. C. Metzner, stove repairman, pages 237-243
- Henry E. O. Heinemann (second appearance), pages 243-258
- Louis Haas (second appearance), pages 258-284
- G. P. English, reporter, Chicago Tribune, pages 285-311
- Malvern M. Thompson (first appearance), dry goods clerk, Marshall Field & Co., pages 312-361
July 28, 1886 - Witnesses for the State
- August Heun, Printer, pages 362-366
- Michael H. Marks, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 367-374
- Hugh Hume, reporter, Chicago Inter-Ocean, pages 375-404
- Harry L. Gilmer (first appearance), House painter, pages 405-497
- Martin Quinn (second appearance), pages 498-503
- John Bonfield (second appearance), pages 503-511
- Louis Mahlendorf, Tinner, pages 511-515
- Herman Schuettler, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 515-529
- Jacob Lowenstein (first appearance), Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 529-547
July 29, 1886 - Witnesses for the State
- Joseph Casagrande, Telephone operator, Chicago Police Department, pages 548-549
- John K. Soller, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 549-551
- John B. Murphy, Physician, pages 551-572
- E. G. Epler, Physician, pages 572-573
- Malvern M. Thompson (second appearance), pages 573-579
- William Schwartz, homeowner and landlord, pages 579-581
- Jacob Lowenstein (second appearance), pages 581-581
- Michael Hoffman, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 581-585
- James Bowler (second appearance), pages 585-587
- Michael Schaack, Captain, Chicago Police Department, pages 587-617
- Andrew J. Baxter, Physician, pages 617-619
- E. F. L. Gauss (first appearance), Translator, pages 619-627
- Eugene Seeger (third appearance) and Introduction of Evidence, pages 627-634
- Frederick Drews, pages 634-636
- Michael Whalen (first appearance), Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 636-640
- Edward W. Lee, Physician, pages 640-643
- Ferdinand Henroten, Physician, pages 643-645
- Introduction of Evidence, pages 645-646
July 30, 1886 - Witnesses for the State
- Introduction of Evidence, resumed, pages 647-650
- Daniel Cochran, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 650-653
- Charles B. Prouty, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 653-657
- William J. Reynolds, gun dealer, pages 657-661
- Thomas McNamara, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 661-664
- Walter S. Haines, Professor of Chemistry, Rush Medical College, pages 664-674
- Mark Delafontaine, Chemist, pages 674-681
- Michael Whalen (second appearance), page 681
- Henry Weinecke (second appearance), pages 681-683
- Eugene Seeger (fourth appearance), pages 683-690
- Edmund Furthmann (second appearance), page 691
- Theodore J. Bluthardt, Physician, pages 691-697
- John Stift, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 697-698
July 31, 1886 - Witnesses for the State
- John Degan, brother of slain Officer Michael J. Degan, pages 699-700
- Michael Burns, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 700-701
- Eugene Seeger (fifth apperance), and Introduction of Evidence, pages 701-720
- E. F. L. Gauss (second appearance), and Introduction of Evidence, pages 721-732
- James Bonfield (second appearance), pages 732-735
- State Rests. Defendants move to exclude all evidence offered, pages 735-736
Back to Top
July 31, 1886 - Witnesses for the Defense
August 2, 1886 - Witnesses for the Defense
- Carter H. Harrison, Mayor, City of Chicago, pages 26-52
- Barton Simonson, traveling salesman, pages 53-125
- John Ferguson, Cloak tailor, pages 125-146
- Ludwig Zeller, Corresponding Secretary, Central Labor Union, pages 146-168
- Carl Richter, leather worker, pages 168-192
- Friedrich Liebel (first appearance), Carpenter, pages 193-203
August 3, 1886 - Witnesses for the Defense
- Friedrich Liebel (first appearance resumed), pages 204-220
- James D. Taylor, Physician, pages 221-266
- Lucius M. Moses, Grocer, pages 267-273
- Austin Mitchell, Painter, pages 274-279
- B. P. Lee, pages 280-281
- Frank Stenner, Machinist, pages 282-301
- Joseph Gutscher, Shoemaker, pages 302-310
- Frank Raab, Baker, pages 310-326
- John O'Brixey, Printer, pages 326-335
- John Garrick, former Chief Deputy Sheriff for Cook County, pages 335-340
- William Urban, Compositor, Arbeiter-Zeitung, pages 340-361
- William Gleason, Shoemaker, pages 361-377
- William Sahl, Blacksmith, pages 377-386
- Eberhardt Hiersemenzel, Painter, pages 386-397
August 4, 1886 - Witnesses for the Defense
- Konrad Messer, Cabinetmaker, pages 398-412
- August Krumm, employee, Kimball's Organ Factory, pages 412-482
- Robert Lindinger (first appearance), Cornice maker, pages 482-490
- E. F. L. Gauss (third appearance), page 491
- Robert Lindinger (first appearance resumed), pages 491-499
- William Albright, employee, Kimball's Organ Factory, pages 500-510
- Sophia Glumm, pages 511-515
- Hermine Gehriger, pages 515-517
- George Koehler, Laborer, pages 517-526
- Theodore Weimeldt, Canvasser of pictures and frames, pages 526-532
- Frederick C. Groh, Carpenter, pages 533-539
- August Krause, Carpenter, pages 539-543
- William Radtke, Saloonkeeper, pages 544-548
- Diedrich Behrens, Shoemaker, pages 549-550
- Charles Heiderkrueger, Machinist, pages 551-559
- Charles Louis Schmidt, Machinist, pages 559-561
- Joseph Schwindt, Shoemaker, pages 562-567
Back to Top
August 5, 1886 - Witnesses for the Defense
- Index to Witnesses, pages i - ii
- M. D. Malkoff, former reporter, Arbeiter-Zeitung, pages 1-36
- Mary Grubb, pages 37-40
- William A. Patterson, Printer, pages 41-54
- John Holloway, Express wagon driver, pages 55-73
- Henry Lindemeyer (first appearance), Mason and calcimator, pages 74-81
- Edward Lehnert, Engineer, pages 82-94
- William Snyder, Chairman, International Working People's Association, pages 94-119
- Thomas Brown, member, International Workingmen's Association, pages 119-138
- Henry Spies (first appearance), Cigar manufacturer, pages 138-156
- August Krueger, Draughtsman, pages 156-167
- John F. Waldo, Printer, pages 167-178
August 6, 1886 - Witnesses for the Defense
- John M. Fleming, Physician, pages 179-185
- William F. Weimers, Attorney, pages 185-189
- Otto Wandray, member, International Workingmen's Association, pages 189-195
- Edward Preusser, Carrier, Arbeiter-Zeitung, pages 196-207
- Fritz Stetler, page 208
- Hermann Becker, Butcher, pages 209-212
- Phineas H. Adams, Machinist, pages 213-217
- Henry Witt, Lumberman, pages 218-228
- Frederick Breest, Lumberman, pages 229-233
- Albert Schlavin, Lumberman, pages 233-236
- Gotlieb Pfeiffer, Machinist, pages 236-239
- William Murphy, Cooper, pages 239-249
- Johann Gruenberg, Carpenter, pages 250-263
- Edward H. Castle, pages 263-266
- H. S. Howe, Undertaker, pages 266-267
- Adolph Temmes, Iron worker, pages 267-273
- Martin Bechtel, Brewer, pages 273-279
- Henry E. O. Heinemann (third appearance), page 280
- Lizzie Mae Holmes, former assistant editor, Alarm, pages 280-307
- Samuel Fielden (first appearance), Teamster, Defendant, pages 308-333
August 7, 1886 - Witnesses for the Defense
- Samuel Fielden (first appearance resumed), pages 334-365
- George Thilo, Physician and surgeon, pages 365-368
- Henry Spies (second appearance), pages 369-371
- Ernst Niendorf (second appearance), pages 372-375
- Jacob Sherman, Carpenter, pages 376-379
- Samuel Fielden (second appearance), pages 379-381
- Meta Neebe, wife of defendant Oscar Neebe, pages 381-382
- Henry Lindemeyer (second appearance), pages 382-383
- Henry Schultz, Musician and former miner, pages 383-401
- Joseph Bach, Tailor, pages 402-431
- Max Mitlacher, Merchant tailor, pages 432-446
- Sleeper T. Ingram, employee, Crane Brothers Manufacturing, pages 447-487
- J. W. Gage, Painter and wallpaperer, pages 487-489
- John Bernett, Candy maker, pages 489-501
Back to Top
August 9, 1886 - Witnesses for the Defense
- Cover Page and Index to Witnesses, pages i-iii
- Michael Schwab, Co-editor, Arbeiter-Zeitung, Defendant, pages 1-17
- August Spies, Editor, Arbeiter-Zeitung, Defendant, pages 17-105
- E. F. L. Gauss (fourth appearance), pages 105-108
- Albert R. Parsons, Editor, Alarm, Defendant, pages 108-143
August 10, 1886 - Witnesses for the Defense
August 10, 1886 - Witnesses for the State
- Daniel Scully, Justice of the Peace, pages 157-163
- John B. Ryan, Attorney, pages 164-166
- John Bonfield (third appearance), pages 167-170
- Whiting Allen (second appearance), pages 171-172
- Richard S. Tuthill, Attorney, pages 173-180
- Charles A. Dibble, Attorney, pages 181-186
- John Steele, Painter, pages 187-189
- Michael Smith, Butcher, pages 190-196
- Benjamin F. Knowles, Clothing store clerk, pages 197-202
- Chester C. Cole, former Iowa Supreme Court Justice, pages 202-210
- Edward R. Mason, Clerk of the US Circuit Court at Des Moines, Iowa, pages 210-214
- Samuel Merrill, President, Citizen's National Bank of Des Moines and former Governor of Iowa, pages 215-222
- George Christ, former City Marshall of Des Moines, pages 223-227
- W. H. Prince, Carpenter, pages 227-229
- Canute R. Matson, Deputy Sheriff of Cook County, pages 229-233
- Sylvanus Edinburn, Plasterer, pages 233-237
- W. P. Hardy, House painter, pages 237-241
- John L. Manning, Attorney, pages 242-246
- Patrick Burns, City Deputy Marshall of Des Moines, pages 247-254
- Alex Lindmann, Machinist, pages 254-256
- John M. Dahl, pages 256-259
- C. J. Schaefer, Officer, Des Moines Police Department, pages 259-266
- Edmund Furthmann (third appearance), pages 267-268
- A. S. Berkowsky, Fish merchant, pages 269-271
- Michael Kissane, Officer, Chicago Police Department, pages 271-272
- Martin Bock and John O'Connell, Officers, Chicago Police Department, page 273
- Charles Jansch, Officer, Chicago Police Department, page 274
- Henry Weinnecke, recalled, page 275
- Louis C. Baumann (second appearance), page 276
- Patrick Walsh, Officer, Chicago Police Department, page 277
- Frank Lettis, Officer, Chicago Police Department, page 278
- Christopher N. Gaynor, Officer, Chicago Police Department, page 279
- William Dewald, Officer, Chicago Police Department, page 280
- Edward J. Hanley (second appearance), page 281
- John Hanrahan, Officer, Chicago Police Department, page 282
- Daniel McCarty, Officer, Chicago Police Department, page 283
- James W. Kerr, Officer, Chicago Police Department, page 284
August 11, 1886 - Witnesses for the State
Back to Top
- Court's instructions to the jury on behalf of the people, pages 1-10
- Defendants' instructions to the jury: refused by the court, pages 11-23
- Court's instructions to the jury on behalf of the defendants, pages 24-38
- Louis Lingg's instructions to the jury on his behalf: refused by the court, pages 39-40
- Court's instructions to the jury given of its own motion and upon its own volition, pages 41-43
- Court's instructions to the jury as to the form of the verdict, pages 44-48
- The verdict, pages 50-51
- Motion by defense counsel for a new trial, pages 52-55
- Affidavits of the defendants and E. A. Stevens: court discourse, pages 56-73
- Introduction of affidavits by the defense, pages 74-75
- Affidavits of Thomas J. Morgan, Thomas S. Morgan and Michael Cull, pages 76-79
- Affidavits of Albert P. Love and Orrin S. Blossom, pages 80-85
- Affidavit of Thomas H. Currier, pages 86-91
- Affidavits of John Phillip Deluse, Jacob L. Biehler and Oscar Sputh, pages 92-95
- Affidavit of Sigmund Zeisler, pages 96-98
- Affidavit of William P. Black, pages 99-113
- Affidavits of John Carney and George W. Adams, pages 114-117
- Affidavit of Theodore Denker, page 118
- Affidavit of Albert P. Love, pages 119-123
- Affidavit of Orrin S. Blossom, pages 124-127
- Court discussion regarding previously introduced affidavits, pages 128-143
- Indictments for murder, pages 144-152
Additional items contained in Volume O are found under Proceedings at the Illinois Supreme Court
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Go to: People's Exhibits
Go to: Defense Exhibits
People's Exhibits
- People's Exhibit 1, Photograph. Diagram of Haymarket Square and surrounding streets
- People's Exhibit 2, Photograph. Floor plan of Neff's Hall, 58 Clybourn Avenue
- People's Exhibit 3, Photograph. Floor plan of Greif's Hall, 54 W. Lake Street
- People's Exhibit 4, Photograph. Floor plan of Zepf's Hall, corner of Lake and Desplaines streets
- People's Exhibit 5, Broadside. "Attention Workingmen" Flier
- People's Exhibit 6, Broadside. "Revenge" Circular
- People's Exhibit 7, Front page and masthead. Arbeiter-Zeitung, May 3, 1886
- People's Exhibit 8, Front page and masthead. Arbeiter-Zeitung, May 4, 1886
- People's Exhibit 9, Photograph. Rudolph Schnaublet
- People's Exhibit 10, Transcription of original manuscript. Original written by Defendant August Spies
- People's Exhibit 10A, Transcription of original manuscript. English portion of the "Revenge" Circular
- People's Exhibit 10B, Transcription of original manuscript. Letterbox text for the Arbeiter-Zeitung of May 4, 1886
- People's Exhibit 12, Photograph. Diagram and floor-plan of 442 Sedgwick
- People's Exhibit 13, Transcription of map. Chicago Daily News, January 14, 1886
- People's Exhibit 14, Photograph. Floor plan of 107 5th Avenue
- People's Exhibit 15, Cover Page. Johann Mosts' Science of Revolutionary War
- People's Exhibit 16, "International Association of Workingmen Proclamation." Arbeiter-Zeitung February, March and April, 1886
- People's Exhibit 17, Untitled. The Alarm, October 7, 1885
- People's Exhibit 18, "A Word To Tramps." The Alarm, October 4, 1884
- People's Exhibit 19, "To the Workingmen of America" - The Pittsburgh Manifesto of 1883. The Alarm, November 1, 1884
- People's Exhibit 20, "Take Care." The Alarm, October 11, 1884
- People's Exhibit 21, "The Anarchists." The Alarm, October 18, 1884
- People's Exhibit 22, "Arming." The Alarm, October 25, 1884
- People's Exhibit 23, "The Socialist." The Alarm, October 25, 1884
- People's Exhibit 24, "The Useless Classes." The Alarm, November 1, 1884
- People's Exhibit 25, Untitled. The Alarm, November 1, 1884
- People's Exhibit 26, "Anarchism." The Alarm, November 1, 1884
- People's Exhibit 27, "The Butchers of Men..." The Alarm, November 15, 1884
- People's Exhibit 28, "This Paper." The Alarm, November 22, 1884
- People's Exhibit 29, "The Black Flag." The Alarm, November 22, 1884
- People's Exhibit 30, "The Property Power." The Alarm, November 29, 1884
- People's Exhibit 31, "Dynamite: The Protection of the Poor Against the Armies of the Rich." The Alarm, December 6, 1884
- People's Exhibit 32, The Anarchist, January 1, 1886
- People's Exhibit 33, "Seat of War." The Alarm, December 13, 1884
- People's Exhibit 34, "Force!" The Alarm, January 13, 1885
- People's Exhibit 35, "Wage Workers." The Alarm, January 24, 1885
- People's Exhibit 36, Notice. The Alarm, February 7, 1885
- People's Exhibit 37, "The War Cry." The Alarm, February 7, 1885
- People's Exhibit 38, "The Dynamite Terror." The Alarm, February 21, 1885
- People's Exhibit 39, "Dynamite." The Alarm, February 21, 1885
- People's Exhibit 40, "Our Agitators." The Alarm, March 7, 1885
- People's Exhibit 41, "How to Make Dynamite." The Alarm, March 21, 1885
- People's Exhibit 42, "Assassination." The Alarm, April 18, 1885
- People's Exhibit 43, "Explosives: The Power of Dynamite as illustrated by blastering exercises." The Alarm, April 18, 1885
- People's Exhibit 44, "Bombs." The Alarm, May 2, 1885
- People's Exhibit 45, "Dynamite: Instructions regarding its use and operations." The Alarm, June 27, 1885
- People's Exhibit 46, "War With All Means." The Alarm, May 30, 1885
- People's Exhibit 47, "Explosives." The Alarm, June 13, 1885
- People's Exhibit 48, "Street Fighting." The Alarm, July 25, 1885
- People's Exhibit 49, "Wage Slavery." The Alarm, August 22, 1885
- People's Exhibit 50, "Eight Hours: Our Reply." The Alarm, September 5, 1885
- People's Exhibit 51, "Eight Hours: Trades Unions Gather in Mass Meeting at Turner Hall." The Alarm, October 17, 1885
- People's Exhibit 52, "Our Vampires." The Alarm, May 2, 1885
- People's Exhibit 53, Advertisement. The Alarm, August 17, 1885
- People's Exhibit 54, "Bakunin's Ground-Work fo the Social Revolution." The Alarm, December 26, 1885
- People's Exhibit 55, Untitled. The Alarm, February 6, 1886
- People's Exhibit 56, "Bureau of Information." The Alarm, January 9, 1885
- People's Exhibit 57, Untitled. The Alarm, March 20, 1886
- People's Exhibit 58, "American Group & Co." The Alarm, April 3, 1886
- People's Exhibit 59, "Workingmen to Arms!" The Alarm, April 24, 1886
- People's Exhibit 60, "Bureau of Information." The Alarm, April 24, 1886
- People's Exhibit 60A, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, May 4, 1886
- People's Exhibit 61, "Knaves or Fools?" The Alarm, April 24, 1886
- People's Exhibit 61A, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, May 4, 1886
- People's Exhibit 62, Excerpt. Science of Revolutionary War
- People's Exhibit 63, "Blood." Arbeiter-Zeitung, May 4, 1886
- People's Exhibit 63A, "Bravely Forward." Arbeiter-Zeitung, May 1, 1886
- People's Exhibit 64, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, May 4, 1886
- People's Exhibit 64A, "To Arms!" Vorbote, May 5, 1886
- People's Exhibit 65, Editorial notes. Arbeiter-Zeitung, May 4, 1886
- People's Exhibit 66, Editorial notice. Arbeiter-Zeitung, May 4, 1886
- People's Exhibit 67, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, May 4, 1886
- People's Exhibit 68, "A Hot Conflict." Arbeiter-Zeitung, May 3, 1886
- People's Exhibit 69, "Editorial." Arbeiter-Zeitung, April 28, 1886
- People's Exhibit 70, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, April 29, 1886
- People's Exhibit 71, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, April 30, 1886
- People's Exhibit 72, "Now or Never." Die Fackel, May 2, 1886
- People's Exhibit 73, Editorial. Arbeiter-Zeitung, May 4, 1886
- People's Exhibit 74, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, May 4, 1886
- People's Exhibit 75, "Editorial." Arbeiter-Zeitung, October 8, 1885
- People's Exhibit 76, "Editorial." Arbeiter-Zeitung, October 8, 1885
- People's Exhibit 77, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, November 17, 1885
- People's Exhibit 78, "Letter Box." Arbeiter-Zeitung, November 27, 1885
- People's Exhibit 79, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, November 27, 1885
- People's Exhibit 80, "Editorial." Arbeiter-Zeitung, December 28, 1885
- People's Exhibit 81, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, December 29, 1885
- People's Exhibit 82, "Exercise in Arms." Arbeiter-Zeitung, December 29, 1885
- People's Exhibit 83, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, December 31, 1885
- People's Exhibit 84, "A New Militia Law." Arbeiter-Zeitung, January 6, 1886
- People's Exhibit 85, Letter to the Editor. Arbeiter-Zeitung, January 22, 1886
- People's Exhibit 86, Letter to the Editor. Arbeiter-Zeitung, January 23, 1886
- People's Exhibit 87, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, February 15, 1886
- People's Exhibit 88, Editorial. Arbeiter-Zeitung, February 17, 1886
- People's Exhibit 89, Editorial. Arbeiter-Zeitung, April 20, 1886
- People's Exhibit 90, "Editorial." Arbeiter-Zeitung, April 21, 1886
- People's Exhibit 91, Editorial notice. Arbeiter-Zeitung, April 22, 1886
- People's Exhibit 92, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, April 26, 1886
- People's Exhibit 93, Editorial notice. Arbeiter-Zeitung, April 30, 1886
- People's Exhibit 94, Editorial notice. Arbeiter-Zeitung, May 1, 1886
- People's Exhibit 95, "Letter Box." Arbeiter-Zeitung, March 15, 1886
- People's Exhibit 96, "The Eight Hour Movement." Arbeiter-Zeitung, March 19, 1886
- People's Exhibit 97, Editorial. Arbeiter-Zeitung, March 24, 1886
- People's Exhibit 98, Editorial. Arbeiter-Zeitung, January 2, 1885
- People's Exhibit 99, "Voice of the People: Nitro-glycerine." Arbeiter-Zeitung, January 4, 1886
- People's Exhibit 100, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, January 5, 1885
- People's Exhibit 101, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, January 8, 1885
- People's Exhibit 102, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, January 19, 1886
- People's Exhibit 103, Editorial. Arbeiter-Zeitung, January 24, 1885
- People's Exhibit 104, "City of Chicago." Arbeiter-Zeitung, January 29, 1885
- People's Exhibit 105, Editorial. Arbeiter-Zeitung, February 17, 1886
- People's Exhibit 106, Editorial. Arbeiter-Zeitung, February 23, 1885
- People's Exhibit 107, Editorial. Arbeiter-Zeitung, March 2, 1885
- People's Exhibit 108, Editorial. Arbeiter-Zeitung, March 11, 1885
- People's Exhibit 109, "About Revolutionary Deeds." Arbeiter-Zeitung, March 16, 1885
- People's Exhibit 110, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, March 20, 1885
- People's Exhibit 111, Untitled. Die Fackel, March 22, 1885
- People's Exhibit 112, Editorial. Arbeiter-Zeitung, March 23, 1885
- People's Exhibit 113, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, February 22, 1886
- People's Exhibit 114, Editorial notices. Arbeiter-Zeitung, March 2, 1886
- People's Exhibit 115, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, March 26, 1885
- People's Exhibit 116, Editorial notice. Arbeiter-Zeitung, April 8, 1885
- People's Exhibit 117, "McCormick Capitulates." Die Fackel, April 12, 1885
- People's Exhibit 118, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, April 24, 1885
- People's Exhibit 119, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, April 25, 1885
- People's Exhibit 120, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, April 28, 1885
- People's Exhibit 121, "Thieves in League." Arbeiter-Zeitung, April 29, 1885
- People's Exhibit 122, Editorial notices. Arbeiter-Zeitung, May 5, 1885
- People's Exhibit 123, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, May 7, 1885
- People's Exhibit 124, Editorial notice. Arbeiter-Zeitung, May 9, 1885
- People's Exhibit 125, "Contribution to the Quesiton of Arming." Arbeiter-Zeitung, June 19 1885
- People's Exhibit 126, Untitled. Arbeiter-Zeitung, June 20, 1885
- People's Exhibit 127, "Delusive Imaginations." Arbeiter-Zeitung, June 24, 1885
- People's Exhibit 128, "The Right to Bear Arms." The Alarm, January 9, 1885
- People's Exhibit 129A, Photograph. Globe Bomb
- People's Exhibit 129B, Photograph. Globe Bomb
- People's Exhibit 130A, Photograph. Globe Bomb
- People's Exhibit 130B, Photogarph. Globe Bomb
- People's Exhibit 131A, Photograph. Canister Bomb
- People's Exhibit 131B, Photograph. Canister Bomb
- People's Exhibit 132, Photograph. Ladle and Can of Nitro-glycerine
- People's Exhibit 133A, Photograph. Blast Furnace
- People's Exhibit 133B, Photograph. Blast Furnace
- People's Exhibit 134, Photograph. Pipe Bombs
- People's Exhibit 135, Photograph. Pieces of gas pipe
- People's Exhibit 136, Photograph. Loaded and empty gas pipe
Defense Exhibits
- Defense Exhibit 1, Broadside. "Attention Workingmen" flier
- Defense Exhibit 2, "Victor Hugo: His Memorable Address to the 'Rich and Poor'." The Alarm, June 13, 1885
- Defense Exhibit 3, "Anarchy vs. Government." The Alarm, August 22, 1885
- Defense Exhibit 4, "John Stuart Mill on Communism." The Alarm, June 27, 1885
- Defense Exhibit 5, "Forcible Gospel." The Alarm, September 5, 1885