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Illinois vs. August Spies et al. trial evidence book. People's Exhibit 23.
The Alarm (Newspaper) article, "The Socialist," 1884 Oct. 25

3 p.
Introduced Vol. K p. 156, 1886 July 26.
Transcript of article.

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[Image, People's Exhibit 23, Page 1]


Oct.25th, 1884.


The Socialists are accused of being blood-thirsty. This is not true. They, like all other thinking people, know that a revolution must come. There was a time when competition ground down so slowly that none noticed its workings. But now, with free schools, free press, steam and electricity, everything moves so rapidly that whichever course it takes, people see its aim and end. And when anything is moving against the rights of the majority, it will sooner or later be stopped. Whether the stopping and uprooting of a bad principle will require bloodshed depends first, on how old it is, and how much the people are receiving it as a second nature, and how much its supporters are interested in keeping it going? And secondly, how strong, clear and determined the opposition is when it begins to oppose? A weak opposition, or an opposition that is believed to be weak, will cause bloodshed, but an opposition that is known to be sufficiently strong for certain victory, will command and obtain a bloodless surrender. This is why the Communist and Anarchist urges the people to study their school-books on chemistry and read the dictionaries and cyclopedias on the composition and construction of all kinds of explosives, and make themselves too strong to be opposed with deadly

[Image, People's Exhibit 23, Page 2]

weapons. This alone can insure against bloodshed. Every person can get this knowledge inside of one week, and a majority now have one or more books containing all this information right in their own homes. And every man who is master of these explosives cannot be even approached by an army of men. Therefore, bloodshed being useless, and injustice being defenseless, people will be forced to deal justly and generously with each other.

The ridiculous situation that requires men to freeze because there is too much coal in the country, and starve because there is too much bread in the country, and go naked because there is too much clothing in the country, and lie out doors because there are too many houses in the country, cannot always continue, especially when we know that the natural ingenuity of invention is constantly and rapidly increasing this over-supply, and glutted market and forced idleness. We know that there is and can be no other remedy but to turn all things into common property, and let all partake of the abundance freely, and allow none, under penalty of death, to carry off, or hide, or pen up, any of that abundance for any selfish motive whatever.

Man is so created that to make him stand still punishes him, and we cannot stop his thinkings. Therefore we know there is energy in every man that even the man himself cannot stop without causing himself suffering. From this alone we

[Image, People's Exhibit 23, Page 3]

know for a certainty that the world would blossom anew every day with beauty and abundance, if men were free to place their energies where nature forcibly directs them. Then, truly, we need take no thought of the morrow, what we shall eat, what we shall drink, or what we shall put on.

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