Haymarket Affair Digital Collection
Table of Contents
- Outline of Proceedings
- Examination of Jurors - Selections
- Witness Testimony
- Exhibits
- Illinois Supreme Court Decision
- The accused the accusers. The famous speeches of the eight Chicago anarchists in court...October 7th, 8th and 9th, 1886
- An Appeal to the People of America
- In the Supreme Court of Illinois...The anarchists' cases: Synopsis of Mr. Swett's oral argument
- In the Supreme Court of Illinois...Oral Argument of W.P. Black for the Plaintiffs
- Reasons for Pardoning Fielden, Neebe, and Schwab
- Chicago Police Department Reports
- Verdict of Guilty and Sentence of Imprisonment against Oscar Neebe
- Verdict of Guilty and Sentence of Death against August Spies et al.
- Address of Judge Joseph E. Gary.
- Autobiographies of August Spies and Albert Parsons
- Article of agreement for Anarchist Publishing Association.
- Assorted letters and telegrams
- George Engel letter to Governor Richard Oglesby.
- Signature cards
- Certification of Execution of Albert R. Parsons
- Certification of delivery of Michael Scwhab and Samuel Fielden to Joliet Penitentiary.
- Police paraphenalia
- Labor banners and socialist organization flags
- Artifacts of destruction
- National Eight Hour Proclamation
- "Declaration of Principles and County Platform of the Socialist Part of America"
- "Preamble and Declaration of Principles of the Knights of Labor of America"
- "Proclamation"
- "Arrest for Murder and Inciting Riot"
- "Grand Raffle!"
- Photographs of the defendants
- Photographs of the attorneys and members of the court
- Images of Haymarket Square, McCormick Reaper Works and the County Jail and Courthouse
- Harper's Weekly
- Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper
- The Graphic News
- The Pictorial West
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