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Illinois vs. August Spies et al. trial evidence book. Defense Exhibit 3.
The Alarm (Newspaper) article, "Anarchy vs. Government," 1885 Aug. 22

3 p.
Introduced Vol. N p. 156, 1886 Aug. 10.
Transcript of article.

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[Image, Defense Exhibit 3, Page 1]

THE ALARM, Aug. 22, 1885.


Anarchy from the Greek words Anno, Archie--government--meaning no government, is the denial of the right of coercion, of authority. Anarchy therefore, is the abrogation of the statute law and constitution, by means of which men governs his fellow man.

Government, on the other hand, is the assertion of force, of authority, of rulership. The plea made for government is that man being wicked, cruel, and debased, government is necessary in order to compel what is right and prevent what is wrong. On these grounds the necessity for government is maintained, and it is claimed that when government fails to do this it is because it is in the hands of the wicked and corrupt men who pervert it, and abuse the power conferred upon them by diverting it from its true intent.

The "free society" which Anarchy would establish is maintained on an entirely different theory. Anarchists claim that under natural law, or in the absence of government and authority, men could not help but act right, since none would or could be protected in doing wrong, in other words, crime, or the violation of natural rights would then bring its own punishment upon the perpetrator.

On the other hand we see that government steps in and

[Image, Defense Exhibit 3, Page 2]

regulates the affairs of society; it defines what is legal and therefore right, and what it prohibits is illegal, and therefore wrong. The moral standard in all matters is regulated by the government; yes, life and death is placed at its disposal. Under the rule of government one portion of society possesses power to dictate to the other, exacting service and compelling obedience to their mandates.

An-archie, or no government leaves man to the operations of natural law. It teaches that law is to be discovered, not manufactured, and that a happy life is only possible when we live in conformity with these laws. The reward---happiness; the penalty --misery.

Nor does it matter whether government be a monarchy, plutarchy or democracy, the principle of coercion and authority which invades man's natural rights, is the same, because if it is wrong for the one or the few to rule, the many, how can it be right for the many to rule the few? To the Shibboleth "the greatest good to the greatest number," Anarchy answers back "the greatest good to all."

In the absence of statutory and constitutional government the price of peace is fair dealing, arbitration would take the place of courts of law (misnamed justice) and asylums for prisons; voluntary associations for the purpose of co-operative production in the place of wage-slavery; the principle of reciprocity by means of free exchange of

[Image, Defense Exhibit 3, Page 3]

equivalent for equivalent would succed the governmental system of competition, profit-mongery and commerce. In the absence of authority the work-shops would belong to the workers, the tools to the toilers, and the product to the producers; the means of existence, the resources of life would be the common heritage of the whole human race. Occupation and use would then be the sole and only title, because it is the only natural title. Under government, however, the natural law is set aside by the statute. A statute law made in harmony with natural law is useless, because unnecessary, and one made in violation thereof is tyrannical and injurious. Government, therefore, whether by majority or minority is unnatural ---wholly injurious. Natural law is mandatory, self-enforcing. Statute law requires all the paraphernalia of courts, jails, police and armies--in short, government to enforce it.

If man is a product of nature, let nature be his friend, guide and ruler. Man -made law is of benefit and use to those only who would take and hold an advantage over their fellows. Government is for slaves; freemen govern themselves. In the absence of law all are free!


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