Illinois vs. August Spies et al. trial evidence book. People's Exhibit 10A.
Manuscript, English portion of the "Revenge" Circular, 1886 May 3
4 p.
Introduced into evidence during testimony of Theodore Fricke (Vol. I p. 466-494), 1886 July 20.
Transcript of original manuscript. Facsimile of original hand-written text of the Revenge Circular in defendant August Spies' handwriting.
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[Image, People's Exhibit 10A, Page 1]
Your Masters
sent out their
blood hounds
- the police -
they killed
of your bro
thers at Mc
Cormick this
[Image, People's Exhibit 10A, Page 2]
afternoon. They
killed the poor
wretches, because they
like you, had
the courage
to disobey the
supreme will
of your bosses
They killed them
because they
dared ask for
[Image, People's Exhibit 10A, Page 3]
the shortening of
the hours of toil
They killed them
to show you, "free
American Citizens
you must
be satisfied
and contented
with whatever
your bosses
condescend to
allow you, or
[Image, People's Exhibit 10A, Page 4]
you will get killed
you have for
years endured the
most abject hu-
miliation; you have for
years sufferred
immeasuarable in=
iquities; you have
worked your-
self to death;
you have
endured the pangs
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