Illinois vs. August Spies et al. trial transcript no. 1. Direct examination by Mr. Grinnell. Cross-examination by Mr. Salomon. Testified on behalf of the Prosecution, People of the State of Illinois. Attended the Haymarket meeting and was injured when a nut from the bomb hit him in the backside. Testified on various topics (page numbers provide a partial guide): actions of police during the Haymarket meeting (vol.I 448), movement, position or tenor of the crowd (vol.I 449), medical care and wounds (vol.I 446).
Testimony of Michael Hahn, 1886 July 20.
Volume I, 445-452, 7 p.
Hahn, Michael.
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[Image, Volume I, Page 445]
Tuesday, 2 P:M. July 20th, 1886.
a witness for the people, being duly sworn, was examined in chief by Mr. Grinnell, and testified as follows:
Q What is your name?
A Michael Hahn.
Q Where do you live?
A 157 Eagle street.
Q How long have you lived there?
A I lived there next Thanksgiving one year; about seven or eight months.
Q You are a tailor?
A Tailor, yes.
Q Where is your shop; where do you work?
A I work in Halsted Street now.
Q Were you at the Haymarket Square on the night of May 4th?
A Yes sir.
Q Where were you standing when the bomb went off?
A I was standing near to the northwest corner.
Q Of what?
A Des Plaines and Randolph.
Q Did you receive an injury?
A Yes sir.
Q Where?
A One in the back and one in the leg.
Q One in the back, in your seat, where you sit down?
A Yes sir.
Q And one in the leg?
A Yes sir.
Q Did you go to the Hospital that night?
A Yes sir the same night.
Q Do you know Dr. Newman?
A Yes, I guess I know him if I see him.
Q Did he remove from your person that night anything that you had received in the Haymarket Riot?
A Yes sir, that is what he said. He showed it to me.
Q He showed it to you when he took it out?
A Yes sir.
Q Had a surgical operation, did you?
A Yes sir.
Q And took it out?
A Yes sir.
Q What was it?
A I guess some kind of a nut.
Q Look at that nut (handing witness an ordinary iron threaded nut)
A Yes; I guess that is about the size.
Q That is about the size is it? That is about the thing?
A Yes sir.
Q That was taken out of your seat was it, the seat of your person?
A Yes sir.
Q When did you leave the Hospital?
A I left the Hospital three weeks after.
Q After your being taken there when was it removed?
A It was removed right away.
Q And that, you think, is the nut that looks like it at least?
A Yes, I think it is the same.
MR. GRINNELL: We will show that it is the same, later.
By Mr. Salomon.
Q For whom are you working now?
A I am working on Halsted.
Q What is the man's name and where?
A I do not know his name. It is on the corner of Halsted and Eagle Streets.
Q You work there in a tailor shop?
A Yes--not working all the time; doing some work---ain't much going on.
THE COURT: Did you hear the bomb burst?
A No sir, I did not hear it.
MR GRINNELL: What happe-ned to you when you got this? (indicating)
A I fell down and that is all I know about it, and I went off and went away.
Q You went home?
A Yes, I went.
Q And then you were----
A Some friend of mine took me to the street car and to the hospital.
Q And then to the Hospital?
A Yes sir.
THE COURT: Did you see the Police?
A The bullet ain't out yet, I guess.
MR. GRINNELL: Where was the police when you received this?
A The police was about ten feet.
Q Well, they were in the street, were they?
A Yes.
Q They had already come down?
A Yes.
MR. SALOMON: Did you see the bomb fall?
A No sir.
MR. GRINNELL: Did you hear the noise?
A I did not hear it. I heard pistol shooting; I don't know what it was.
A I heard them little shots.
Q You heard the little shots?
A Yes sir.
Q Was anyone else standing near at the corner?
A O, there was not on the corner. There was lots of folks there.
Q Who else was there---anybody, with you at that time?
A Not anybody that I know.
Q Were there any other people there that you do not know--- people who you were not acquainted with?
A O, yes.
Q Standing with you there at the corner?
A No sir, nobody at all. I was by myself.
Q Well, around you?
A No sir; I don't know anybody.
Q Were there people standing there at the corner, other people besides yourself?
A O, yes; there was lots of people.
Q About how many?
A I don't know that.
Q Fifty or a hundred?
A O, I don't think so much.
Q Is there a lamp post at that corner?
A Corner of Randolph.
Q Where you stood. You said you was on the northwest corner of Randolph and Des Plaines?
A Not quite at the corner. A little below.
Q Is it where that stove store is?
A Yes.
Q Well, were you standing more on Randolph Street or more on Des Plaines Street?
A I stand more on Randolph Street.
Q More on Randolph?
A Yes.
Q Immediately in front of the store on the corner that fronts towards the market?
A I wasn't on the front. I was further back in the street, into Des Plaines Street.
Q You stood on the street? Then you stood there and the police passed by you did they?
A No. I stood just right on the side, and they stayed a little behind.
Q Well, did you stand on the street?
A Yes sir.
Q Which is part of Randolph?
A I stand on the street near to the gutter.
Q On Randolph or Des Plaines?
A On Des Plaines.
Q And right near Randolph?
A Near Randolph, yes.
Q Did you stand there---there is a little stoop passing on to the sidewalk?
A Yes in about that.
Q There is a little hill there, is there, passing from the street onto the sidewalk?
A That is a box standing there.
Q Some boards?
A Yes, right there in that box standing.
Q Is there a fire plug at that corner? You know what a fire plug is, don't you?
A Water works?
Q Where they brought water from?
A I don't know about that.
Q You did not notice that?
A No sir.
Q Towards what direction were you looking at the time you received this injury?
A I looked at northeast. About to the office where he was speaking.
Q Were there any number of policemen in front of you?
A No sir, there was nothing on the front. There was a little just behind, about three feet, I guess---four feet, something.
Q Now, at the time that you received this injury in what direction were you looking?
A I looked on the northeast.
Q You looked towards the northeast?
A Yes.
Q Towards where the wagon stood?
A Yes, I looked at the office.
Q Now, just point or designate where you received this (indicating the nut); in what part of your body, this nut, which has been shown you, entered.
THE COURT: Stand up and put your hand on the place.
MR. SALOMON: Stand up and show where it went.
A (Indicating) On the left part.
Q And that is while you were facing towards the wagon?
A Struck me on the right and came in on the left
Q Now, were you injured in any other part of your body, in front?
A No sir.
Q Your breast or the front of your legs?
A Not at all.
Q Or your shins?
A No sir.
Q No portion of that?
A No.
Q Do you know who inflicted that injury on you?
A No sir; I do not know who done it.
THE COURT: That is not a question to ask.