Hot Dog!
Elementary: Grades 3–4
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He was ready to get his free hot dog.
The next Sunday, Uncle Jimmy took Allan and Ruth back to Maxwell Street. With the crowds of shoppers, all the noise, and the many people selling, it took the children a while to find the hot dog vendor.
He recognized them right away. "Here to collect on our deal?" the vendor asked. Allan nodded. He took out his notebook and read the list out loud. As the vendor listened and nodded, Allan told him everything he had learned about the hot dog in Chicago: the importance of the stockyards, how Chicago's meats were shipped by train to the whole country, how innovations in Chicago made it famous all over the world, and how so many people made their living through meat-related jobs. "The hot dog is in the middle of all those stories, and besides, Chicago's hot dogs are the best in the world" Allan finished, out of breath from talking so fast.
"Good enough," said the vendor. "Now you can have your free hot dogs any way you want, even with ketchup."
"Actually, I think I'll take mine Chicago-style this time," Allan said with a grin. "It's about time I tried some new things." Ruth couldn't believe it.
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