Hot Dog!
Elementary: Grades 3–4
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"One hot dog, please!" he said.
"Everything?" said the vendor.
"Only ketchup," Allan answered.
"Ketchup? Ketchup? You can't have ketchup on a hot dog," the vendor growled.
"I eat ketchup on everything," said Allan. "And I would like it on my hot dog."
The vendor scowled. "Most people want a real Chicago hot dog. No peppers is one thing. But ketchup? Can't do it," the vendor snapped. "You must not be from Chicago."
"I was born here!" Allan exclaimed. "And I like ketchup on my hot dogs."
The vendor shook his head. "I don't even have ketchup. If you're from Chicago, you ought to know hot dogs are important and know better than to ask for ketchup."
Allan thought about that for a second. "You can get hot dogs anywhere in America. Chicago doesn't own hot dogs," he said. He was frustrated. Ruth was munching away on her hot dog, and it smelled good. But he wanted his with ketchup.
The vendor squinted at Allan. "Listen. I'll give you a hot dog, plain. You can get ketchup somewhere else. Go to someplace with fries," he said, gesturing towards other stands. "But let's make a deal. If you come back next Sunday and can tell me why hot dogs are important in Chicago," the vendor leaned closer, "I'll give you and your sister free hot dogs. I'll even break the rules and have ketchup, just for you."
Allan thought some more, and then said, "Deal." They shook on it. Allan took his plain hot dog and went searching for ketchup.
Ruth, now with a spot of bright green relish on her shirt, trailed behind him. "How are you going to find out why hot dogs are important?" she wondered. Allan shrugged. For a free hot dog with ketchup, he'd think of something.
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