High School: Grades 9–12
Words | Definitions |
acquiesce | to agree |
assemblage | a gathering of a group of people |
agitated | to have troubled thoughts and feelings of disturbance |
belligerent | to be angry and upset |
draft | to be required to serve in the military |
mesmerized | to find something fascinating or irresistible |
napalm | a thickener used in jelling gasoline for a kind of fire bomb that was widely used during the Vietnam War |
pacifism | to be opposed to all violence and war as a means of settling disputes, to refuse to bear arms on moral or religious principals |
psychedelic | distorted, bizarre images and color schemes especially popular during the 1960s |
survey | to look over or view an area |
underground press | newspapers and other literary medium produced outside the establishment or mainstream press by an informal movement or group |
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