High School: Grades 9–12
Reading-Comprehension Questions
- What are the main differences of opinion expressed about the Vietnam War? Who in the narrative reflects these opinions? How does each group express their opinion using words and actions?
- Mark and Julia are both against the war in Vietnam. What does Mark mean when he says, "It's a good thing we've known each other for so long, or I don't think we would even be able to speak to each other."?
- Describe the Yippie movement.
Critical-Thinking Questions
- Is Julia a good role model for her younger sister Lydia? Why or why not?
- Julia believes that if everyone made the decision to be peaceful, then things could really change. Do you agree? Why or why not?
- What would you have done if you were faced with the same decision as Julia? Would you go to Grant Park to join the rally? Would you continue to advocate for peaceful, nonviolent change after your experience that day? Why?
- What political issues concern your local area and the nation today? What rallies or protests have you seen on the news or read about in newspapers? Do you think this kind of activism is effective? Why or why not?
- Can young people make a difference in today's politics? Why or why not? What issues move you to become involved? How far would you go to stand up for what you believe?
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