Angelo's Saturdays

High School: Grades 9–12


Words Definition
cesspool a deep hole in the ground to receive drainage or sewage from the sinks and toilets of a house or apartment building
fetid having a putrid, stinking smell
Hull House established in 1889 by Ellen Gates Starr and Jane Addams and located on the Near West Side, the settlement house provided immigrants and low-income families with extensive social, educational, and artistic programs
Jane Addams the visionary social worker who developed ideas about providing educational programs and wholesome social experiences to help the poor and new immigrants. She used her family's wealth and influence to help found Hull House with Ellen Gates Starr.
John Dewey an influential American educator and public intellectual who established a philosophy integrated into most American schools and adopted by Hull House. His philosophy stated that opportunities to learn by doing and for social interaction, problem solving, and critical thinking are the foundations of education.
palette a thin board on which an artist arranges and mixes paints
privy a small building that serves as an outhouse for housing with no indoor plumbing
Prairie Avenue an east-west boulevard on the Near South Side known for its grand mansions. Wealthy families such as the Fields and Pullmans lived there during the 19th century.
tenement run-down, overcrowded building divided into one- or two-room apartments, often lacking indoor plumbing

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