Virtual Tour of the Conservation Laboratory

A 360 degree panorama of the Chicago Historical Society's
textile conservation laboratory and the Lincoln relics.

Blood Tests

Is there blood on the Chicago Historical Society's cloak?
How can scientists find out?

Farewell Father, Friend & Guardian

George F. Root's tribute to Abraham Lincoln --
composed, published, and performed in Chicago for Lincoln's funeral.

Lincoln Relics Registry

How many Lincoln assassination relics did Charles Gunther collect?
Do you know of other assassination related memorabilia?

Civil War Jukebox

Choose a tune below and listen to these Chicago hits
in memory of
the Libby Prison Military Cadet, Fife, Drum and Bugle School.

Genealogical Search

Are you related to Nancy Hanks Lincoln or other
maternal relatives of Abraham Lincoln?

Browse our special features below or direct connect via the list:

Blood Tests
Civil War Jukebox
E-mail the Investigators
Farewell Father, Friend and Guardian

Genealogical Search
Infrared Cloak Panorama
Laura Keene Schottische
Libby Prison War Museum
Lincoln Relics Registry
Microscopic Examination
New Discoveries
Virtual Tour of the Conservation Laboratory

Just Before the Battle, Mother
Grafted into the Army
The Battle-Cry of Freedom
We'll Go Down Ourselves
Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! The Prisoner's Hope.

New Discoveries

The investigation of Mary Todd Lincoln's cloak is an ongoing project
that began in June 1999. New discoveries will be regularly posted to the site.

Libby Prison War Museum

The Most Instructive & Interesting Exhibition in America
Tour Chicago's number one 1890 tourist attraction where the Lincoln assassination relics were displayed alongside shrunken "Inca" heads.

E-mail the investigators

Did the Chicago Historical Society's cape belong to Mary Todd Lincoln?
Was it wet with Abraham Lincoln's blood?
Let us know your opinion!

Infrared Cloak Panorama

Infrared light illuminates stains in a virtual 360 degree panorama of the cloak.

Microscopic Examination

A microscopist discusses stain patterns on a dress fragment
attributed to Clara Harris, who shared the presidential theater box.

Laura Keene Schottisch

Dance with Laura Keene, a critically acclaimed actress and
the first woman theatre manager in the United States, who
performed at Ford's Theatre on the night of the assassination.