The Best of the Fair
Elementary: Grades 3–4
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Lily grabbed Grandpa's hand tightly as they entered. There were so many people that the only thing Lily could see if she looked straight up was the tall, golden dome on the Administration Building. Soon, the crowds spread out, and Lily could finally see again. She couldn't believe the sight.
They were standing in the heart of the fair in front of the Grand Basin; she knew this from studying her map and guidebook. Around the huge reflecting pool of water were the grandest buildings Lily had ever seen. They shone so white in the sun that Lily's eyes hurt. Rows and rows of columns, towering domes, majestic statues, and grand fountains surrounded them. Banners and flags waved in the breeze. "We're in the Court of Honor! This is the Grand Basin, and that giant building over there is the Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building." Lily read from her guidebook: "It measures 1,688 by 788 feet and covers more than 31 acres, being the largest exposition building ever constructed."
"Look!" Joseph pointed at a small boat cruising through the water.
"That must be one of the electric boats. I never saw such a thing!" Grandpa exclaimed.
Lily ran ahead, "Come on! Over here!" She ran down the side of the Grand Basin, across a canal, and up the Agricultural Building's steps. The Manufactures Building looked even bigger from across the water.
"Wait, Lily," Grandpa called. "We should find Mr. Weller." Lily wondered where Mr. Weller's booth was. "I can't remember," Grandpa said, "But he said we couldn't miss it because it's right next to the best thing at the fair."
"Grandpa, there are more than 200 buildings. Do you remember anything else?" Lily asked.
Grandpa shrugged. "All I know is that he's next to the best and we'll get an illuminating tour."
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