His Father's Namesake

High School: Grades 9–12


Reading-Comprehension Questions

  1. What were some of Albert Jr.'s memories of the night of the Haymarket Riot?
  2. How might Albert Jr.'s childhood memories have influenced his political perspectives as a young adult?
  3. Describe what happened at Haymarket and the events that followed.

Critical-Thinking Questions

  1. When, if ever, is the use of force justified to create change? Why?
  2. Do you think that Albert Sr. and Lucy Parsons put their political beliefs above their role as parents? Why? What decisions would you have made in their place?
  3. Do you think that Albert Jr. is betraying his father's legacy? Why?
  4. Whose view of America seems more believable to you, Mr. and Mrs. Parsons's, or Albert Jr.'s? Why?
  5. Whose motives, the Parsons's or Albert Jr.'s, are more inspiring to you? Why?
  6. Are there any causes that would inspire you to make sacrifices that affected your family? Why?

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