Halfway to Freedom
High School: Grades 9–12
Reading-Comprehension Questions
- What was the Underground Railroad?
- What was the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850?
- Why did Hannah decide to run away?
- Where was Hannah ultimately seeking freedom?
Critical-Thinking Questions
- What does Shepherd's name symbolize in the story?
- What are the two meanings of the title Halfway to Freedom?
- Halfway to Freedom describes courageous acts made by several of the characters. Which characters in the story are heroic? What qualities in the personalities do you think are heroic?
- Despite having their freedom, African Americans in Illinois and many other free states were not treated as full citizens. Are there any groups today that you think are not treated as full citizens? Who are they? What rights or privileges are they denied? Why do you think this is so? What do you think should be done?
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