Trading Mystery
Elementary: Grades 3–4
Words | Definitions |
barrack | a building where soldiers sleep |
distracted | to not pay attention because of feeling upset or troubled |
fort | a strong set of buildings where soldiers live to protect the people, trade, and land in that area |
parlor | a formal room in a house in which family members and visitors gather |
pelts | skins of fur-bearing animals, such as the otter and beaver, that are cleaned and ready to make into products such as hats and other clothing |
Potawatomi | an American Indian nation whose people lived in Michigan, Wisconsin, northern Illinois, and northern Indiana and worked as trappers in the fur trade from the 17th to the 19th century. Potawatomi people still live in the Midwest and West today. |
safe | a large, heavy box often made of metal that locks to store and protect money or valuables |
squint | to squeeze eyes half-shut and look at something closely |
trading post | a type of store run by traders, where trappers exchange fur pelts for manufactured goods |
tomahawk | a light ax used by American Indians |
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