Illinois vs. August Spies et al. trial transcript no. 1
Testimony of Adolph Temmes, 1886 Aug. 6.
Volume M, 267-273, 8 p.
Temmes, Adolph.
Iron worker; German immigrant.
Direct examination by Mr. Foster. Cross-examination by Mr. Ingham. Testified on behalf of the Defense, Spies, August et al.
Attended the Haymarket meeting. Testified on various topics (page numbers provide a partial guide): learned about the Haymarket meeting in the Arbeiter-Zeitung (vol.M 269), Spies, August (vol.M 267), Parsons, Albert (vol.M 267), Fielden, Samuel (vol.M 267).
a witness called and sworn on behalf of the defendants; was examined in chief by Mr. Foster and testified as follows:
Q What is your name?
A Adolph Temmes.
Q Where do you reside?
A 363 North Market Street.
Q How long have you lived in Chicago?
A About four years, pretty near five.
Q Where were you born?
A In Hanover, Germany.
Q Have you lived in Chicago ever since you lived in this country?
A I did.
Q Do your parents live here?
A They live out in Germany.
Q They still live in Germany?
A Yes sir.
Q What is your business?
A Iron worker.
Q Are you acquainted with any of the defenfants here?
Q I seen Spies, and Fielden and Parsons at the hay market.
Q Where did you see them first?
A At the Haymarket.
Q Was that the first time you ever saw them?
A That is the first time, I see a Fielden before the night at the Haymarket.
Q You had seen Fielden one night before the night at the haymarket?
A Yes sir.
Q You first saw Parsons and Spies at the haymarket meeting?
A Yes sir.
Q You mean the haymarket meeting on the 4th of May last?
A On the 4th of May last, yes sir.
Q Are you a socialist?
A No sir, I am not.
Q Are y u a communist or anarchist?
A I don't know anything about that.
Q You say you are not a socialist, communist or anarchist, and don't know anything about it?
A No sir.
Q Were you at the haymarket meeting on the night of the 4th of May?
A Yes sir, I was.
Q Where were you living at that time?
A At 363 North Market.
Q How far is that from the haymarket?
A About two miles, I guess.
Q How did you come to be at the haymarket meeting that night?
A I seen a notice in the Arbeiter Zeitung.
Q And you went to the meeting in pursuance of the notice you say in the Arbeiter Zeitung?
A Yes sir, I did.
Q Do you know where the wagon stood from which the speakers stood?
A Yes sir, I do.
Q Did you see the police come up there---were you there at the time the police came up on the ground?
A I did not see exactly the police.
Q Do you know of their coming up there?
A Yes sir.
Q At the time they were coming up, or at the time just before they came up, where were you standing with reference to the wagon?
A I was standing about four or five feet away from the wagon.
Q Which direction?
A South of the wagon.
Q Who was speaking at that time--that is, point out the man, if you know him, that was speaking?
A When the
police were coming.
Q Yes sir, when the police men came--do you see him here?
A Mr. Fielden here.
Q That is the genteleman here with whiskers?
A I think so, yes sir.
Q Who was on the wagon at that time?
A The only one that I noticed that I knew was Spies and Fielden.
Q At the time the police came up who was it you saw on the wagon?
A Mr. Spies and Mr. Fielden.
Q Was there anybody else on the wagon besides Mr. Spies and Mr. Fielden?
A There was about four or five men, I don't know exactly.
Q Were you there when Mr. Spies spoke earlier in the evening
A I was there earlier in the evening, yes sir.
Q You knew Mr. Spies by the fact that he had spoken there that night?
A Yes sir.
Q Did you hear any command by any of the police officers?
A Yes sir, I did.
Q By whom?
A I don't know what his name is--by the papers I see it is Captain Ward.
Q you didn't at that time know who it was?
A No sir.
Q You only knew it was Captain Ward by what you read in the newspapers
A Yes sir.
Q What did Captain Ward say, if you remember?
A I didn't hear him talking, I was too much excited, but I heard him
Q Which way did you go when you heard Captain Ward, or the officer whom was speaking when you heard him speak, which direction did you go?
A Run out North to the alley to the little street.
Q At the time that this officer came up and spoke and the time you started to run I will ask you to state whether Mr. Spies was at that time on the wagon?
A He was on the wagon.
Q And Mr. Fielden?
A And Mr. Fielden.
Q And two or three others you say you don't know?
A Yes sir.
Mr. Ingham.
Q Where were you standing at the time the officer spoke?
A I was standing about four feet away from him when he spoke.
Q South of the wagon?
A No, I was standing East of the officer.
Q That would put you South of the wagon, wouldn't it.
Q It was about a foot south, yes sir.
Q You were so much excited that you could not hear what the officer said?
A No sir.
Q But started to run right away?
A I started to run when the shooting commenced.
Q Did the shooting commence at the time the officer spoke?
A Right when he was there speaking.
Q Then you were not excited at all after he had spoken?
A I was excited when I heard the police were coming.
Q So excited that you could not hear what was said after that?
A No, I did not understand what he said.
Q How far were you standing from him?
A About a foot from him.
Q How did you happen to go to that meeting?
A I saw a notice in the Arbeiter Zeitung.
Q Where was the Arbeiter Zeitung?
A I seen it in the public library.
Q When did you see it there?
A On the 4th of May.
Q What time on the 4th of May?
A It was in the afternoon, about three o'clock.
Q Is that the only notice you saw of the meeting?
A The only notice I saw of the meeting, yes sir.
Q What time did you get to the meeting?
A I got there about half past seven.
Q You were within about four feet of the wagon when the officers came up?
A I was.
Q You say you saw Fielden the night before?
A Yes sir, I did see him the night before in the meeting on Lake Street.
Q Whereabouts on Lake Street?
A I don't know the number, but I think it is 71--I couldn't tell it sure.
Q Between what streets?
A It is on Lake street.
Q On the North or South side of Lake Street?
A Just on Lake Street.
Q Is it on the North or South side of the Street?
A It is on the North side.
Q What kind of meeting was it?
A It was a wagon maer's meeting.
Q Do you remember the name of the place?
A I don't remember the name.
Q Would you remember it if you heard it, the name of the hall?
A I would remember it, yes.
Q Was it Greiff's?
A No, I don't think it was Greiff's.
Q Was it Zepf's?
A No.
Q Was it Mechanic's hall?
A I don't know what the name of the hall was.