His Father's Namesake

High School: Grades 9–12


admonish to express warning or disapproval
anarchist a person who believes the political theory that all forms of governmental authority are unnecessary and who advocates to establish a society based on voluntary cooperation using methods, sometimes violent, to overthrow the established order.
crescendo the peak of a gradual increase in volume
diatribe a prolonged bitter and abusive speech or writing
formidable having qualities that tend to inspire awe or fear in others
imperialism extending the power and influence of a nation by taking new territory
manifesto a written statement that declares publicly the intentions, motives, and view of the individual or organization issuing it
palpable capable of being touched or felt, tangible
paranoia a tendency on the part of an individual or group toward excessive or irrational suspicion and distrust of others
socialist a person who believes in a political theory that advocates collective or governmental ownership and control over the means of production and distribution of goods
travesty a distorted or grossly unfair imitation of something

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