You are invited to join the investigative team exploring the Lincoln relics!
We welcome public participation in the investigation of the Chicago Historical Society's cloak. You are encouraged to evaluate the historical and scientific evidence for yourselves and decide whether or not the cloak was wet with Abraham Lincoln's blood. We also need help locating other Lincoln assassination relics and relatives of Abraham's mother, Nancy Hanks Lincoln.
The Lincoln Relics Registry, a database of information on artifacts related to the assassination, will help investigators reassemble the cultural shards from this tragedy.
We are looking for information on other Lincoln assassination relics so that we can compare materials and ownership history. The registry describes the relics and their provenance. When available, photographic images will be included. Collectors' names may be kept confidential.
Learn more about gathering the material evidence!
The investigation of Mary Todd Lincoln's cloak is an ongoing project that began in June 1999.
What is your opinion? Did the Chicago Historical Society's cape belong to Mary Todd Lincoln? Was it wet with Abraham Lincoln's blood? How can you support your conclusions?
more about DNA analysis!
you know a relative of Nancy Hanks Lincoln? E-mail
the investigators!