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ABBREVIATIONS COLLECTIONS AND MANUSCRIPTS INTERVIEWS, AUDIO, AND VIDEO RECORDINGS PUBLISHED SOURCES WEB SITES AbbreviationsCHS Chicago Historical Society Abraham Lincoln Collection. CHS Archives and Manuscripts Collection. CHS. Artifact authority files. Department of Collection Services. CHS. Charles Maxwell Colvin Collection. CHS. Decorative and Industrial Arts Collection. CHS. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, Illinois. Ford's Theatre National Historic Site, and the National Park Service, Washington, DC. Francis, George to his niece Josephine. Washington, D.C., 5 May 1865. Abraham Lincoln Collection. CHS. Forbes, Charles affidavit. Washington, D.C., 17 September 1892. Authority file for coat attributed to Abraham Lincoln (CHS 1924.40). Charles F. Gunther Collection. CHS. History of Medicine Division, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland. Harper, William to the Manager, Libby Prison Museum, July 21, 1890. Libby Prison War Museum Collection. CHS. Kaufman, W.S., undated certificate, Abraham Lincoln Collection. CHS. Libby Prison War Museum Collection. CHS. Lincoln Museum, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Logan, Frank to the Chicago Historical Society, February 21, 1924. Authority file for coat attributed to Abraham Lincoln (CHS 1924.40). Massachusetts Medical Society, Boston, Massachusetts. Hope B. McCormick Costume Center. CHS. McLellan Lincoln Collection. John Hay Library, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. Northwestern University Library, Evanston, Illinois. Owens, Frances Emogene. Diaries, 1861 -1869. CHS. Paintings and Sculpture Collection. CHS. Parks & History Association, Alexandria, Virginia. Thomas Pendel affidavit. Washington, D.C., 12 September 1892. Authority file for coat attributed to Abraham Lincoln (CHS 1924.40). William Henry Powell Collection. CHS. Prints and Photographs Collection. CHS. Thomas, Daniel G. to Wm. Brearley, May 3 1865. Abraham Lincoln Collection, CHS. University of Delaware Library, Newark, Delaware. Wilberforce University Archives, Wilberforce, Ohio.
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